Emell McKelvey Owner and Chief Technical Officer

 Emell McKelvey is the founder of Mackkell Technologies. He has over 30  years experience working in the telecommuniations and IT industries, of  which the last 10 years was spent in technical sales support, government  sales business development and network infrastructure design and  implementation to support the industry move towards a converged  communications architecture.

Mr. McKelvey's experience with the government sales capture mangement  process, sales engineering, network architecture and network operations  resulted in business growth and increased system productivity for the  firms he worked for.

Mr. McKelvey has performed key technical and business development roles  for AT&T, Glenayre (now known as Movius), Qwest Communications  (acquired by Centurylink), Level 3 Communications and Global Crossing  (acquired by Level 3).

Mr. McKelvey holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical  Engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology  (formally known as the University of Missouri-Rolla). He is a past board  of director of the United Way and has been involved with the non-profit  program - Inroads.